OK, I have some rather sad and frustrating news to tell. Some cowardly Self-Righteous person called the Davis County Animal Control on us to report our goats. The Animal Control lady came over yesterday and informed me that we must get rid of our goats because our property was not big enough for them. Get Real!!! what a lame excuse! If they were dogs, even regular sized or large dogs it doesn't matter how big your yard is. The goats are very small and have plenty of room. The neighborhood has enjoyed having them here. We are always getting people over to come see the goats. (or so we thought!) We have never had anyone complain about them at all. So to that cowardly person who called the DCAC to complain, I would like you to come to my house and tell my kids that they have to get rid of their pets that they have come to love, and see how you are breaking their hearts! Just because you were jealous or thought you were doing your civic duty, but really your just butting into someone business and you didn't even have the courage to come and tell me what you thought of the goats yourself. Thanks a lot!!! oh yeah, thank you to my neighbor (Pat) who broght me 2 boxes of my favorite cookies, that helped a little. :)
I use insoles for flat feet...
1 month ago
I agree! PEOPLE! I am so-ooo sorry Jenny! That is so sad! I want you to know I love you lots! Hugs!
Ooohhhh. I am so sad! The girls will really miss those goats. Would it be possible to keep just one? Not that you would be able to choose. What are the rules for tiny goats?
That is so mean! I always thought it was kind of cool that you had goats!
Wow! That will be sad for the kids! I am sorry. It was so fun...I can't imagine why someone was so upset.
Oh crumb! that was me that just posted...too tired..pushed the anonymous name button on accident!...No...I DID NOT turn you in! :)
How mean i am sorry I like your goats what is Kali going to do?
Some people should mind their own business! How sad for your kids and my little guy! He liked seeing the goats. What will the neighborhood kids do now? It seems some kid was always visiting your goats.
Our kids love the goats too. This is uncalled for, if you haven't gotten rid of them I think we need an emergency shetler program. I will house the goats on Monday and Tuesday, the Allreds on Wednesday and Thursday, Shiners on Friday and Saturday and since the Animal Control probably doesn't visit on Sunday they can come home or maybe we could convince the City to change the ordinance. I'd be willing to go to bat for you.
That is so sad. Our kids will miss them too. I wish we would have come to see them more!
Trust in no one. Thats why people most people stink Jenny, you know what I am talking about. So I say... "This above all else to thine own self be true" If you can tell me from what play that line is from wooot! :) I love ya !!!! I am sorry about the goats, old farts/young stuck up snobs who ever called AC should be glad I am not up there to find out who it was and whooop some A**!!!
Oh!!!!I am so sorry! I love your goats! Some people are so rude!
That is really sad!
No sympathy for you regarding the goats. You are not zoned for it. I doubt that you would have removed the goats had the "coward" approached you directly. Most people won't. No I did not turn you in. Maybe Pat did and he was trying to cover it up with the cookies. Love still, your father-in-law, David DeCow
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