Saturday, August 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Madison!!!!

Happy Birthday Madi~!!! Yeah!!!! I am so excited for her to turn 12!! Now she gets to go to Young Women's with me!! This will be a year of changes for Madi, she is starting Junior High!!

Next will come the girly stuff, hair make-up, boys----- wait NOOO!! No boys yet. She's way to young for that!!


Phyllis said...

Happy Birthday, Madison! We love you and hope you have a wonderful day! From Grandma and Grandpa Hancey.

stephanie said...

Madi, I can't believe you turned into a big 12 year old from such a little baby girl. Where did all the time go? You are such a cute girl and so talented at art, the piano, reading, and being a great friend to your I still think you have good hair!! I just know this year will be a fun one for you full of exciting new things. Happy Birthday!
Love, Aunt Stephanie

Shauna said...

Happy Happy Birthday to Madison! Hope your day is as beautiful as you are! Big Hugs :)

Aubrey said...

She's so cute. Yeah, no boys for 12 more years. And then only the ones who like roast and cinnamon rolls for dinner and help do dishes. ;)

annisa said...

Happy Birthday Madison! I can't believe that you are 12 years old! How fun to be in YW's and to be in there with your Mom is even better! You are a darling girl, I love you! See you all at the reunion! Yeah!

Roberta said...

Happy birthday, Madi! You are our oldest girl grandchild and now you are in Young Women. Where did the time go? I sure enjoy teaching you piano lessons and watching you grow up. I hope you will have fun this year in Jr. High. You are developing into quite a young lady and Grandpa and I are very proud of you. Love you! Love, Grandma DeCow