Sunday, November 2, 2008

Guess which one is who's.

Here are the halloween pumpkins that we carved. Can you guess whose is whos? Ok how the heck do you spell that? I ended up carving all of them, but the kids did the patterns on them.


Shauna said...

LOVE the pumpkins! I KNOW the minnie mouse one was is yours?

Jenny said...

Yes, Scotts is spock

Anonymous said...

WOW!!!! I thought you bought the pumpkins, and you just plug them in. Anyway, great job!! Scott is spock, yours is Minnie, Boo is Madison and the haunted house was Shawn's? am I the winner?

Sarah said...

Minnie...Jenny of course, Spock...Scott of course, Shawn the haunted house and Mdi is the boo ghost. I am so sad we didn't get to do it together this year but next year we will for sure!

Sherri said...

I am IMPRESSED!!!!! Where's Donny???

Aubrey said...

Yeah, where's the Donny?

I think it's who's is who's, but I'm not sure. I know adding an apostrophe "s" gives what you're saying ownership. Or something. I magored in English, but I only took one grammar class in college and was really glad it had open-book tests because it was over my head. Sad. I just liked reading a lot of books and talking about them.

Jenny said...

ok you all are so right, except Shawn didn't do one this year. He was a party pooper!

Jenny said...

I totaly need a Donny one next year for sure!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my heck! Awesome carving! Could you come do some at our house next year?

annisa said...

Great Pumpkins! We did some Disney pumpkins this year too! They weren't as great as yours though!